
 In this blog I'm writing about the article "Brainwashed" by Seth Godin. You can find it here:
                        Within the article “Brainwashed” by Seth Godin, seven "levers" of reinventing yourself are discussed. If I ever needed to jumpstart a change in my life I know these methods would be useful. Yet only two of them stood out to me the most throughout the article. The first lever that Godin mentions is called Acknowledging the Lizard.
                        In Acknowledging the Lizard, Godin talks about how we are all stuck in a prehistoric mindset that prevents us from reaching our full artistic potential. He explains that this ‘brainstem’ makes us scared of being ostracized, judged, or laughed at if we decide to be different. This fear, according to Godin, disables us from pursuing our creativity.  The key is not to let the lizard mindset catch up with you.
                        I completely understand Godin’s point, and I know that I may have been a victim of this for quite some time now. I think if our world had more people who thought outside of the confines of this box that we could have a whole different, and more creative world.  I know that daring people who don’t care about the judgment that they may receive for being creative makes true and original works of art. I’ve often felt that while making this blog that I’m merely only talking to myself, and that others may think this is stupid if I keep it after my class has finished. But I know that it will help in the long run when I’m trying to connect to the professional world around me. Which brings me to my next point….
                        The next “lever” that Godin mentions is extremely relevant to this class and I. In Connect, He talks about how social networking and the ability to create useful content for free will put anyone in the position to get ahead. I’ve recently learned a lot about this concept, and most importantly how the Internet and the professional world are converging into one. The practicality of the internet is growing in the professional world and it is our duty to use it if we want to be successful and creative. 

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